Keeping talent in the region-how to do that?

Keeping talent in the region-how to do that?

Round tables offered by the euregio campus Limburg/ Niederrhein.
30 september, 15.00-18.00 pm

  • How can we turn our braindrain region to a braingain region?
  • What roles do educational institutions, businesses and municipalities play in keeping talent in the Euregion? How can they remove bureaucratic obstacles and to be open for talented professionals and non-native speakers who join from other regions?
  • How can the region be attractive so that people feel welcome, come back again or even stay for longer period?
  • What kind of facilities are important for young talent?

In three round table sessions we want to find a convincing answer to all these questions on 30 September from 15:00-18:00 at Fontys International Business School in Venlo.

You can also participate in a live stream. We are interested in your input to keep talent in the region. Let us know and register at: Round tables: How to keep talent in the region ( We reserve a seat at the table for you!

Questions? Please send a mail to:

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